Health & Productivity Management

The Prestige International Group Health Management Declaration 2019

Centered on our motto of “Raising employees’ health awareness and promoting health,” the Prestige International Group declares that it will work together with employees to manage employees’ health, prevent disease, and strengthen and understand the mental health progress of employees, as well as be even more proactive moving forward in undertaking initiatives aimed at creating an environment where employees can be healthy, cheerful, and work with peace of mind. Prestige International is implementing a variety of different initiatives aimed at bringing happiness to all employees and their families.

Policy & Approach

People (meaning all our employees) are valuable assets of the Prestige International Group. The company will, therefore, create workplace environments where employees can be healthy and cheerful when working and achieve self-realization on an individual basis through their work. To this end, the company and health insurance associations are working together to maintain and promote employee health initiatives, as well as prevent and swiftly resolve physical or mental health problems by undertaking health promotion measures.


Promotional System

The Prestige International Group health management system began operating in 2019 with the goal of promoting employee health. Overseen by company directors, the Personnel Management Department and Operations Management Department act as the Secretariat for this system and coordinate the health insurance associations and the officers responsible for each of the company’s regional bases. Since FY2022.3, the company has operated the system as a health management project and appointed a Health Management CEO while endeavoring to further improve health management initiatives by the company. Furthermore, the company is also approaching women’s health issues and smoothly coordinating with upper management to promote initiatives aimed at resolving the company’s management issues through the involvement of the director in charge of promoting women’s advancement.

Click to open expanded viewPromotional System chart

Indicators and Targets

Health and Productivity Management Project was launched in earnest in 2019, and Prestige International's Health and Productivity Management project, which began in fiscal 2021 with Health and Productivity Management project as the main activity, has addressed the issue of women's health and measures to prevent illness, and has been tackling anemia and BMI levels. In fiscal 2024, the sixth year of the program, we began analyzing employee health issues and set two new targets.

Indicator Target
Smoking rate by FY2026.3 15% or less
Percentage of employees maintaining BMI normal weight by FY2026.3 * 68% or higher
(FY2024.3 : 59.4%)
  1. * BMI of 18.5 or higher and less than 25 in accordance with the standards stipulated by the Japan Society for the Study of Obesity


Priority Measures and Initiatives Recommended for Health Management

The Prestige International Group regards avoiding the impact of presenteeism1 on productivity, resignation due to health issues, and absenteeism2 as the most important issues for health management. Approximately 70% of company employees are women, and it is precisely because the workplace has many women that initiatives focusing on women’s health are essential. Accordingly, Prestige International uses seminars to deepen the knowledge and understanding of anemia, which is thought to affect many women, while at the same time, the company’s industrial physicians examine and treat employees exhibiting symptoms of anemia.
Many of the Group’s employees are in their 20s through 40s—an age group that has a low awareness and activation with regard to illness. Rather than providing support after employees become sick, the company implements presymptomatic measures in order to provide support to prevent employees from becoming sick. Through initiatives that promote the maintenance of a normal BMI, the company encourages employees to become even more health-conscious, review their dietary habits, and establish exercise habits.

  1. *1 Presenteeism: Situation in which employees’ performance declines due to poor physical or mental health.
  2. *2 Absenteeism: Situation in which employees are absent from work, take a leave of absence, are late for work, or leave work early due to poor physical or mental health.
  • Issues/measures 1.Management Issues We Wish to Resolve Through Health Management
  • Issues/measures 2.Anticipated Effects
  • Issues/measures 3.Concrete Initiatives

Health Management-related Initiatives

Support for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

In promoting health management, Prestige International promotes initiatives designed to prevent disease and promote health, such as sponsoring sports events aimed at establishing exercise habits, providing healthy menu items at in-office cafeterias, conducting a variety of seminars, and expanding and improving medical checkups.

  • Sponsorship of walking events targeting all employees
  • Provision of healthy menu items prepared by Smart Meal certified contractors at in-office cafeterias and holding a Free Salad Day
  • Subsidization of the cost of influenza vaccinations, employee health insurance designated medical checkups, and gynecological examinations (cervical/breast cancer)
  • Introduction of a health leave system
    * System whereby those who a health checkup deems eligible for coverage of a follow-up medical examination are granted leave based on the medical institution’s consultation report
  • Sponsorship of a variety of seminars
  • Preferential treatment at health insurance society sports clubs
  • Infection prevention methods against the COVID-19 virus
  • Provision of gargling mouthwash and hand sanitizer in the workplace

  • Example of healthy lunch

  • Free Salad Day

Mental Health Initiatives

The Prestige International Group wishes to take good care of the mental health of its employees. Training for new recruits upon joining the company includes information related to mental health, and the company implements measures that enable the prevention or early detection of mental health issues. The Group also introduced a mentor system and other measures as part of its efforts to create a climate in which employees do not bottle up stress.

  • Mental health training for new and mid-career recruits
  • Training for managers
  • Stress checks for employees (those deemed to have high stress undergo a follow-up with individual interviews and interviews with an industrial physician)

Smoking Cessation Promotion

In order to promote the health of employees and others, all Prestige International bases are implementing smoking cessation activities beginning with measures to prevent passive smoking.

  • Across-the-board separation of smoking and nonsmoking areas
  • Prohibition of cigarette smoking in company-owned facilities

Initiatives to Increase Health Awareness Among Members of the Local Community

As an enterprise rooted in the local community, the Prestige International Group carries out activities related to health promotion together with members of the local communities where Group BPO centers are located.

  • Nutritional education activities (carried out at local elementary schools by members of Aranmare women’s sporting teams)
  • Sponsorship of children’s events promoting exercise at Orangery daycare centers and for local parents and their children
  • Sponsorship of competitive sports clinics for local elementary/junior high school/high school students

Children's cafeteria held

As part of the Toyama BPO Town's FamilyDay, we held a children's cafeteria in our company cafeteria. We provided menus using local ingredients to about 260 people, including users of the company's Orangerie nursery school, employees on maternity and childcare leave, and their families. By having a place where families can interact with each other over meals, we aim to promote communication and create an environment where employees on maternity and childcare leave can easily return to work. We plan a variety of events to help our employees live healthier and richer lives.

Work-Life Balance Initiatives

In order for each employee to fully enjoy both their work and private lives and achieve self-realization, Prestige International offers working styles that match employee needs. Moreover, the company implements initiatives that allow employees to enhance their own time.

  • Introduction of a half-day annual paid leave system
  • Introduction of an hourly annual paid leave system
  • Encouragement of employees to take planned paid leave (5 days or longer each year)
  • Childcare leave system that employees can use regardless of gender
  • Mother-to-Be/Father-to-Be Support Leave
  • Elderly Care Support Leave

Initiatives to Create Environments Where Employees Can Work with Enthusiasm

With the aim of providing workplace environments where employees can be enthusiastic and cheerful, Prestige International proactively undertakes a variety of different initiatives that include creating environments where employees can communicate easily with each other and sponsoring events to promote exchanges among employees, their families, and members of the local community.

  • Provision of cafeterias
  • Provision of nap rooms and refresh areas
  • Provision of studios (*Can be used for sports, training, or club activities, etc.)
  • Provision of massage rooms
  • Provision of libraries (*lending services only)
  • Preferential treatment at sports clubs (*Privileges that can be used by health insurance association clubs)
  • Employees’ sporting team activities
  • Holding of sporting events

Related Data

FY2020.3 FY2021.3 FY2022.3 FY2023.3 FY2024.3
Percentage of employees undergoing health checkups 97.1% 99.4% 99.1% 99.7% 99.4%
Percentage of employees undergoing examinations at medical institutions after symptoms discovered in a health checkup*1 40.4% 30.6% 34.6% 17.7%  48.9%
Percentage of employees undergoing stress checks 93.7% 95.0% 95.8% 98.3% 96.7%
Percentage of employees maintaining BMI normal weight - 60.1% 59.7% 58.7%  59.4%
Percentage of employees with anemia - 14.2% 10.2% 10.4% 10.7%
Employee turnover rate 15.3% 11.0% 11.3% 11.9% 11.5%
Average overtime per month 11.5h 8.2h 8.4h 9.8h 6.9h
Percentage of employees taking paid leave 75.5% 73.1% 86.3% 94.2% 80.7%
Smoking rate 26.9% 25.4% 23.9% 22.9% 22.6%*2
Exercise habits (At least 30 minutes at a time, at least twice a week, continued for one year) 9.9% 10.2% 11.7% 11.8% 12.5%*2
Rate of people with high stress - 16.0% 17.1% 18.7%  18.6%
Absenteeism(average number of days of sick leave)*3 - - 4.3 4.2 4.6
Presenteeism*4  - -  -   -  25.5%
Work engagement(eNPS)*5 - - - -71.21  -68.80
  • *1 Calculated based on the medical institution’s consultation reports for those found to have a medical condition compared to the number of people instructed by the industrial physician to undergo consultation.
  • *2 Provisional figures based on in-house calculations 
  • *3 Quantification of workplace recommendations based on eNPS surveys.
  • *4 Calculate the average number of days of leave for injury and disease for all employees.
  • *5 One-item version of SPQ(Single-Item Presenteeism Question University was conducted.


Investment Budget for Health Management Project

The investment budget for the FY2025.3 Health Management Project was 3,450,000 yen in total.

  • * Does not include independent initiatives by the individual bases.

Initiatives Implemented in FY2024.3

Since fiscal 2021, Health and Productivity Management Project has continued to focus on Prestige International as a priority issue. We have identified "anemia" as a health issue for women and "maintenance of BMI's common weight" as a measure to prevent illness, and have set the targets below.

Indicator Result
Percentage of employees with symptoms of anemia by FY2024.3 *1 10.7%
(FY2023.3 : 10.4%)
Percentage of employees maintaining BMI normal weight by FY2024.3 *2 59.4%
(FY2023.3 : 56.7%)
  1. *1 Hemoglobin value of less than 12.0 g/dl
  2. *2 BMI of 18.5 or higher and less than 25 in accordance with the standards stipulated by the Japan Society for the Study of Obesity

Measures Against Anemia

Content of Measures

  • Sponsorship of anemia seminars
  • Distribution of iron-rich drinks and sweets for anemia seminar participants


After the implementation of the measures, Hb values were measured for those with anemia. 81% of the subjects improved their Hb values compared to the previous year, and 53% were within the reference value. 

Measures Related to Maintaining BMI Normal Weight

Content of Measures

  • Walking Event for Employees (May 1–31, 2023)

Overview: A team competition walking event was planned and held with the aim of providing opportunities for employees to establish exercise habits and raise health awareness. During the event period, teams competed to accumulate the highest average number of steps. The supplementary prizes awarded to top-ranking teams were decided through employees who contributed ideas and proactively suggested health-promoting items. Furthermore, because of the requests from individuals, beginning as in last year, awards are also presented to those who achieved the highest BMI value decrease rate.

  • Winter Health Month Event (February 1-28, 2024)

Overview: We designated the month of February as "Winter Health Month" and implemented the following measures to improve the health awareness of our employees
- Distribution of a column (three times in total) that considers the balance between work and health management through personal experiences using in-house information tools
- Chair yoga events at all sites


  • Walking Event for Employees (May 1–31, 2023)
    Scope: All employees (Participation rate: 89%)
  • Because the event was held in May and included the Golden Week holidays, the competition led to the promotion of exercise habits on holidays. With team members calling out encouragement to each other as they walked, It was also effective in eliminating daily exercise shortages and invigorating communication by encouraging walking injured in the team.
  • Winter Health Month Event (February 1-28, 2024)
  • At the chair yoga event, we selected and implemented content that can be easily done at one's desk or at home. Many employees, both men and women, participated in the event, and voiced their impressions of the benefits, such as "my body felt warm," "I felt refreshed because I could do it in between work," and "I was able to enjoy working together.

Past Initiatives

Continuing from FY2022.3, Prestige International positions measures against anemia (women’s health issue) and measures related to maintaining BMI normal weight (presymptomatic measure) as important initiatives recommended for the company.

Measures Against Anemia

Content of Measures

  • Sponsorship of anemia seminars
  • Distribution of iron-rich drinks and sweets for anemia seminar participants


After implementing the measures, we conducted hemoglobin measurements for those who showed signs of anemia. As a result, the hemoglobin levels of 76% of the subjects improved compared to last year. 

Measures Related to Maintaining BMI Normal Weight

Content of Measures

  • Walking Event for Employees (May 1–31, 2022)

Overview: A team competition walking event was planned and held with the aim of providing opportunities for employees to establish exercise habits and raise health awareness. During the event period, teams competed to accumulate the highest average number of steps. The supplementary prizes awarded to top-ranking teams were decided through employees who contributed ideas and proactively suggested health-promoting items. Furthermore, because of the requests from individuals, beginning this year, awards are also presented to those who achieved the highest BMI value decrease rate.

  • Winter Health Month Event (February 1-28, 2023)

Overview: We designated the month of February as "Winter Health Month" and implemented the following measures to improve the health awareness of our employees
- Distributed a series of 10 columns on health via our internal information tools
- Conducted voluntary yoga events and seminars on performance improvement through conscious breathing at all office locations.


  • Walking Event for Employees (May 1–31, 2022)
    Because the event was held in May and included the Golden Week holidays, the competition led to the promotion of exercise habits on holidays. With team members calling out encouragement to each other as they walked, the event had achieved the effects of preventing the lack of exercise while working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic and invigorating communication.
  • Winter Health Month Event (February 1-28, 2023)
  • After the event, we conducted a survey, and received feedback such as "It provided an opportunity to reconsider my daily exercise habits" and "I was able to refresh myself by moving a little during work breaks".

Since FY 2021, Prestige International has positioned measures against anemia (women’s health issue) and measures related to maintaining BMI normal weight (presymptomatic measure) as important initiatives recommended for the company.

Measures Against Anemia

Content of Measures

  • Sponsorship of anemia seminars
  • Sponsorship of seminars targeting the 307 employees found to have anemia (hemoglobin value of less than 12.0 g/dl) in health checkups conducted in the previous year
  • Provision of iron-rich menu items at in-office cafeterias
  • Distribution of recipes for improving anemia


Seminars on the theme of anemia were held at the Akita BPO Main Campus.

  • * Seminars are also to be held sequentially at the Tokyo Head Office and other company bases.

  • Example of iron-rich menu items

  • Seminar held
    at the Akita BPO Yokote Campus
    (50 participants) *September 2021

Measures Related to Maintaining BMI Normal Weight

Content of Measures

  • Sponsorship of walking event targeting employees (October 1–31, 2021)
    *Overview: A team competition walking event was planned and held with the aim of providing opportunities for employees to establish exercise habits and raise health awareness. During the event period, teams competed to accumulate the highest average number of steps. The supplementary prizes awarded to top-ranking teams were decided through employees who contributed ideas and proactively suggested health-promoting items.
  • Provision of healthy menu items at in-office cafeterias


The walking event also contributed to the invigoration of communication among employees, which had decreased because of the COVID-19 pandemic, by making the status of total team steps a topic of conversation.

  • * Participation rate: 62.7%