Trends in total number of issued shares, capital, etc.

Trends in total number of issued shares, capital

As of March 31, 2024

Period Capital
(1,000 yen)
Number of issued shares
Apr. 1, 2017 to Mar. 31, 2018 1,461,788 63,852,400 Increase due to exercise of stock acquisition rights
Apr. 1, 2018 to Mar. 31, 2019 1,486,668 63,951,100 Increase due to exercise of stock acquisition rights
Oct. 1, 2019 1,486,668 127,939,600 Increase due to two-for-one stock split
Apr. 1, 2019 to Mar. 31, 2020 1,494,958 128,036,200 Increase due to exercise of stock acquisition rights
Apr. 1, 2020 to Mar. 31, 2021 1,502,742 128,131,800 Increase due to exercise of stock acquisition rights
Aug. 16, 2021 1,518,745 128,177,200 Increase due to third-party allocation of shares as restricted stock units
Apr. 1, 2021 to Mar. 31, 2022 1,519,708 128,192,400 Increase due to exercise of stock acquisition rights
Sep. 7, 2022 1,555,533 128,299,500 Increase due to third-party allocation of shares as restricted stock units 
Apr. 1, 2022 to Mar. 31, 2023 1,570,641 128,560,700 Increase due to exercise of stock acquisition rights 
Aug. 18, 2023 1,598,908 128,654,300 Increase due to third-party allocation of shares as restricted stock units 
Apr. 1, 2023 to Mar. 31, 2024 1,601,210 128,676,300 Increase due to exercise of stock acquisition rights 

Details of Acquisition of Own Shares

Acquisition period Acquisition method Total number of shares acquired
Acquisition amount
Nov. 6, 2023 to Nov. 30, 2023 Market purchase at the Tokyo Stock Exchange 766,600 499,996,400
Feb. 7, 2022 to Feb. 21, 2022 Market purchase at the Tokyo Stock Exchange 580,000 417,910,500
Mar. 12, 2008 Acquired through Osaka Securities Exchange J-NET market 1,000 137,000,000