Corporate Information

When was Prestige International Inc. founded?
October 30, 1986. Please refer to our History. For details, please see History.
What is the Company's corporate philosophy?
Group Philosophy is “To listen to end-user (consumer) inconveniences and troubles, engage in business creation that will lead to solutions, and grow as a company that contributes by providing solutions to social issues through that development”. For details, please see Corporate Philosophy.
What is is the Company's vision for the near future?
Please refer to Medium Term Business Plan.
Can you outline the Company's business activities?
Currently we are undertaking a range of business activities that can be broadly divided into seven fields as a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) enterprise providing end-user services and performing some services on consignment on behalf of client companies. For details, please see Solutions
Where can I find information on the group companies?
Please refer to  Group Companies documents Subsidiaries (Domestic) and Subsidiaries (International).
When did Prestige International Inc. list its shares?
We listed on the NASDAQ Japan Market in July 2001.Listed on TSE 1st in December 2013. In April 2022, we moved to the Prime Market with the market restructuring of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Note that we delisted from the NASDAQ Japan Market in February 2013.
Can you outline the Company's initiatives in the area of sustainability / Environmental Conservation Activitie?
For details, please see Sustainability.

Consolidated Results Information

Where can I find information on the latest financial results?
Please refer to Financial performance documents Performance Highlights and IR documents Financial Results.
What is the Company's outlook on the Company's performance?
Please refer to IR documents Financial Results and Medium Term Business Plan.
When are consolidated results announced?
Our fiscal year ends on March 31st.
The schedule for announcing consolidated results is listed in the IR Calendar.
Where can I check recent financial results?
Please refer to IR documents Financial Results.

Stock Information

Which market is the stock listed in?
It is Prime Market of the TSE.
What is the stock ticker number?
It is 4290.
What is the minimum number of stocks allowed per trade?
It is 100.
What is the total number of issued shares?
Please refer to Share Information documents Basic Stock Information
What is the company capital amount?
Please refer to Company Profile documents Company Overview
When is the record date for dividends?
The record date is March 31 for end of year dividends and September 30 for interim dividends.
How much is the dividend amount?
Please refer to Share Information documents Dividend Payments
Does the company have a benefit program for its shareholders?
It doesn't have a shareholder special benefit program.
What is the company's current share price?
Please see Bloomberg
What are the procedures for reporting a change of name or address?
Our Transfer Agent is Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd., and we invite you to visit its home page for information about procedures for reporting a change of name or address.
Investors who have used the electronic share certificate system should inquire with their broker.
When is the General Meeting of the Shareholders held?
The Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders is held in late June of each year. All shareholders as of March 31 of each year are notified of the date/time and venue of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in early June.
Is it possible to exercise voting rights via the internet?
It is possible to exercise voting rights via the internet by using Prestige International's designated website for exercising voting rights. For details, please see “Convocation Notice for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders” under “Shareholders' meeting.”
Is it possible to bring children to a General Meeting of Shareholders? Also, is it possible to attend by proxy?
Prestige International General Meetings of Shareholders may only be attended by shareholders with voting rights. Accordingly, children who are not shareholders may not attend General Meetings of Shareholders. With regard to attending General Meetings of Shareholders by proxy, Prestige International's Articles of Incorporation state that another shareholder with voting rights may act as a proxy, and the proxy attending the General Meeting of Shareholders must submit documentation certifying the authority for that representation.


What is the Industry classification
It is Services
Please explain Prestige International's method of public notices.
Public notices are issued electronically. However, in the event that an electronic public notice is not possible due to an accident or other unavoidable reason, public notices shall be issued by means of publication in The Nikkei newspaper.
Please explain Prestige International's corporate governance initiatives.
Please refer to Sustainability documents Corporate Governance.